These items will be added around the time that the season they're for is.
They'd only be obtainable around the season they're for.
Items are untradable during the corresponding season. (even if several years old)
Example(s): All Hallows' Battleaxe or Frozen Gaunts would be in October and December respectively
{Event Boosts}
[3:00 AM Local] All Monsters and Dark based abilities gain a 35% power boost until 4:00 AM Local
[Halloween] All monsters, friend or foe, get a 50% boost to damage, HP, and movement speed. Dark based abilities also gain a 45% power boost and cost 25% less to cast.
[Christmas] Light and Ice based attacks, from anything, are 70% more powerful
[Easter] Light and Nature abilities are all 50% more powerful, woodland creatures have a 20% stat boost